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Our Health Centre, Chester, Nova Scotia

Our Health Centre is a health and wellness community resource serving the Municipality of Chester and surrounding areas since 2016. OHC partners with Nova Scotia Health to co-locate a range of primary care, health promotion, wellness, and other health services under one roof. While a holistic approach is central to the mission of OHC, it can be challenging to maintain funding for social determinants of health programs like food security. A core funding model would allow OHC to build on what the community has already created, scaling services to be in line with the needs of the local community.

Antigonish Women's Resource Centre & Sexual Assault Services Association, Antigonish, Nova Scotia

The Antigonish Women’s Resource Centre (AWRC) is an independent, feminist, community-based organization. AWRC provides information, support services and programs for women, girls, Two-Spirit, trans and non-binary people and their families and communities. AWRC is made up of a multi-disciplinary team that offer services and programs to meet different needs of diverse women, girls, Two-Spirit, trans and non-binary folks. Stable funding is needed to sustain this worthy model of equity-focused care.

Clare Health Centre, Clare, Nova Scotia

Clare Health Centre is a community-owned building where a range of health and wellness services are offered to local residents. Clare Health Centre works with the Nova Scotia Health Authority to bring primary care providers, health programs, and other social supports together in one accessible location. Without locally-delivered care options, many residents of Clare face challenges in accessing the services they need, such as isolated seniors or those without their own means of transportation. A global funding model would allow Clare Health Centre to focus on meeting the needs of local people instead of having to worry about keeping the doors open in times of crisis.

Dr. Kingston Memorial Community Health Centre, L’Ardoise, Nova Scotia

Dr. Kingston Memorial Community Health Centre exists to fill a gap in access to frontline health services and social supports for local people in the rural region of L’Ardoise. The team at Dr. Kingston Memorial CHC are committed to community well-being, and in addition to primary care and clinical services, there is a strong focus on the social determinants of health. CHCs like Dr. Kingston Memorial have a strong vision for health equity, advocating and advancing a model of health that leaves no one behind. The health challenges facing Nova Scotians are unprecedented, but the solutions are readily at hand and deserve stable core funding.

North End Community Health Centre

North End Community Health Centre (NECHC) offers a combination of front-line health services with a range of programs to support the social determinants of health. The team at NECHC has built trusting relationships with local people and they create a space of respect and dignity for all who seek services or programs. NECHC serves as a resource to the entire Halifax community, and they work hard to keep the multiple dimensions of the organization going. Global funding would allow the team to focus energy on services. NECHC is a living example of all that can be achieved when we think outside the box about what it looks like to respond to community needs.

Tri-County Women's Centre, Yarmouth, Nova Scotia

Tri-County Women’s Centre offers a variety of services and programs to support women and their families in Digby, Yarmouth, and Shelburne, Nova Scotia. Recognizing that many women and their families are without a primary care provider, the Leahey Wellness Clinic was added to Tri-County Women’s Centre in 2014. Today, the clinic serves people of any gender, but the team continues to focus their services to those made vulnerable by gender, economic, and other social power imbalances. Tri-County Women’s Centres demonstrates the unique approach of Community Health Centres, and core funding is needed to sustain this comprehensive model.

Pictou County Community Health Centre, Pictou, Nova Scotia

The Pictou County Community Health Centre is focused on increasing access to Primary Health Care services by connecting people to the services and programs needed to achieve their best possible health. The Pictou County CHC opened its doors to the public in January 2025 and assists people in navigating and accessing the care options available to them, whether in primary care, virtual care, or community services.


Located in downtown Pictou, across from a pharmacy and food bank, the team at the Pictou County CHC provides support, virtual care, navigation, follow-up, and advocacy to a region that has a significant population currently unserved by primary care practitioners. Core funding is provided on a short-term basis by the Aberdeen Health Foundation. Long-term core funding is necessary to build sustainable primary healthcare access to underserved and equity-deserving populations.

Bear River & Area Community Health Clinic, Bear River, Nova Scotia

Our clinic opened its doors in 1994 with the mission to provide health services to the village of Bear River and surrounding communities, serving both Digby and Annapolis Counties. Along with helping those individuals that have challenges travelling to NS Health operated facilities.

We provide a variety of health services to Bear River and area residents both to Digby and Annapolis County:

  •  Satellite Clinic from DAHSC – provides weekly – Nurse Practitioner appointments for all Bear River residents (Digby and Annapolis County) without a family physician
  • Virtual Care under NE Health – we service as a Hub
  • Seniors Program
  • Registered Counselling Therapist
  • Mental Health & Addiction Nicotine Cessation Services
  • Digby Cancer Help Fund Association – We service as a volunteered Hub
  • Massage Therapy
  • LPN Foot Care
  • Custom Orthotics services
  • Acupuncture
  • Reflexology
  • Electrolysis



Ally Centre of Cape Breton, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia

The Ally Centre of Cape Breton is a non-profit, community based organization whose main objectives are to employ education/prevention strategies that prevent the spread of blood borne pathogens and sexually transmitted infections, and to create supportive environments that diminish risk.

Using a harm reduction philosophy and a community development approach, we encourage citizens to engage in healthy practices, creating healthy communities across Cape Breton Island.